March 4, 2014

United States District Judge, Lawrence Kahn Approves Settlement Agreement

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Picente: An historic day for Oneida County

Today, March 4, United States District Court Northern District of New York, United States District Judge Lawrence Kahn approved the settlement agreement between the State of New York, Madison County, Oneida County and the Oneida Indian Nation.

Statement from Chairman of the Board, Gerald Fiorini”
“Today is great day for Oneida County. This agreement has now cleared every step necessary to go into effect. This is a win for all parties involved and most importantly the people of Oneida County, Madison County, Oneida Indian Nation and all of New York State”  

Statement from Oneida County Executive, Anthony J. Picente Jr.
“It’s an historic day in Oneida County. March 4th will be remembered as the day when all the past tensions between neighbors have finally been laid to rest. With this approval in federal court, the final hurdle has been cleared. We are all partners as we work together to grow this community; economically and culturally.”

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