July 7, 2011

Picente: Youth Bureau Seeks Grant Applications for 2012 To Operate High-Quality Youth Programs

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Oneida County Executive Anthony J. Picente, Jr. today announced that the Oneida County Youth Bureau is accepting proposals from interested non-profit organizations that would like the opportunity to provide youth-oriented programs that offer delinquency prevention, recreation and positive youth development opportunities during 2012.

“The youth of our community are our future. The Oneida County Youth Bureau has the responsibility to allocate funding from the New York State Office of Children and Family Services in the ways that will best meet the needs we have identified locally,” Picente said. “This annual opportunity to request funding allows new agencies to seek funding for new programs, and allows agencies that have been operating successful programs to continue their fine work.”

Three categories of funding are available:

  • The Special Delinquency Development Program is for youth with specific needs to prevent involvement or re-involvement with the juvenile justice system. These funds do not require an agency to match funding with its own resources.
  • The Youth Development Delinquency Prevention Program funding supports recreational and other youth service initiatives. These funds require a 50% cash match from the agency seeking funding.
  • Runaway and Homeless Youth Act funding provides crisis and transitional living services. A 40% agency match is required.
  • Proposals are due by close of business Friday, August 12, 2011.

“Oneida County has many outstanding organizations that have and can provide quality services for our youth,” said Youth Bureau Director Bob Roth. “The Youth Bureau looks forward to working with these agencies as they provide safe, positive and innovative programming to our youth.”

Programs that are funded must meet guidelines established by the New York State Office of Children and Family Services. Prospective respondents are encouraged to contact Barb Gibbs of the Youth Bureau at 798-5670 to request all forms and documents required to submit a proposal as well as if they have any questions about content or format. Youth Bureau staff will provide technical assistance for any bidders needing aid with this process. The Youth Bureau is located in Utica at the Paul Building, 209 Elizabeth Street on the 3rd floor. The Youth Bureau has copies of all pertinent forms and relevant documents.

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