July 5, 2011

Picente Unveils Summer STOP-DWI Marketing Campaign

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Oneida County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr. today announced that Oneida County is putting a new twist on an old message in its efforts to further reduce instances of drunk driving.

Joined by Oneida County Sheriff Robert Maciol and Oneida County District Attorney Scott McNamara, Picente unveiled Oneida County’s summer STOP-DWI Billboard and Road Sign Campaign, an advertising and outreach effort designed to curb drinking and driving incidents. The outreach and communication campaign is 100% funded through DWI fines paid in Oneida County, and is administered through Oneida County’s STOP-DWI program.

County Executive Picente said, “One of the struggles we face in trying to tell people a message they heard so many times before, and one that most drivers understand, is trying to get the attention of people who think DWI is a minor crime with no consequences, especially to them. Nothing could be further from the truth, so our summer campaign tells people that driving drunk is going to hurt them very seriously in the wallet. We hope the message gets through, for their sakes and the sakes of people who could be injured in DWI-related crashes.”


The "You Can't Afford Me" billboard campaign likens the cost of one DWI to:

  • A small swimming pool
  • A Semester of college
  • Up to $10,000
  • 10 person hot tub
  • A new motorcycle


In addition to the billboards, STOP-DWI road signs bearing the “You Can’t Afford Me” message and STOP-DWI logo will be going up on roads all across Oneida County.


“We want to get the message to drivers in all parts of the county that DWI is a problem and that each driver has to make a personal decision not to drink and drive – a decision that has very severe consequences for drivers,” Picente said.


Sheriff Maciol said: “The key to improving highway safety is to reduce avoidable crashes. The Oneida County Sheriff’s Office makes highway safety a top priority all year long, and we believe that reminding drivers about the costs of DWI in a dramatic way is an important part of this effort – particularly as the summer driving season begins and young drivers take to the roads. Most drivers get the message, but this is a message we can never stop sending because any life lost or ruined through a drunk driving accident is still one too many.”


DA McNamara said: “When we have a DWI case in court, we prosecute it to the fullest extent possible, but I would prefer to see people get the message before they step behind the wheel. Oneida County’s efforts to inform the public and prevent drunk driving can help save lives and reduce the tragedy that can come with DWI. These billboards and all of the other STOP-DWI efforts are a major part of our pro-active strategy to keep up the pressure and reduce DWI even further.

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