December 31, 2015

Picente Sworn In For Unprecedented 3rd Term As County Executive

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Picente Lays Out Vision For a 3rd Term And The Future Of the Region

Oneida County Executive Anthony J. Picente Jr, joined by family friends, supporters as well as members of the Board of Legislators, Elected Officials and many others, was sworn into office to begin an unprecedented 3rd term by The Honorable John Balzano.  Picente is currently the longest serving County Executive in the Oneida County history.

“Today is a great day for me and my family as I begin another term in the job I love, serving the community I have called home my entire life.  It’s truly an honor that the voters of Oneida County have entrusted in me this responsibility for a 3rd term.” said County Executive Picente.

The County Executive briefly addressed the room at the event.  He spoke about accomplishments of the previous term while describing a vision for the future of not only Oneida County but the region.  Picente pointed to monumental monuments such as AMS and GE as well as key investments in the community the county has made and the announcement of a state of the art hospital.

Picente added “We stand at a pivotal moment in our region’s history.  There is an optimism that surrounds this area like never before and we control our own destiny.  We can seize these opportunities and re-create a region where your children and grandchildren not only can make a living but want to be here.  Bustling downtowns, rebuilt main streets, new industries, a creative economy, are all at our fingertips. Today is a new beginning.  It’s time to get back to work.”

When discussing plans for a 3rd term Picente touched upon the next phase of Vision 2020, Mohawk Valley Anti-Poverty Initiative.  Agri-tourism as well as working to make AMS, NUAIR and GE as well as a new hospital come to fruition.

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