December 28, 2016

Picente Responds To Tweets From Paul Krugman Regarding Utica Region

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Picente Invites Krugman To Visit Oneida County And Learn About The Economy

Today, Oneida County Executive responded to “haphazard tweets” from Paul Krugman in regards to Utica, Oneida County and the Economy in an attached letter. Picente outlines the progress made in Oneida County over the past ten years alone and invites Mr. Krugman to visit the area and learn about the local economy.

“I wanted to convey to Mr. Krugman exactly what it is we do to move this region forward. I didn’t want him to have a mistaken impression based on one take on a story about our region. I feel the best way for Mr. Krugman to understand what he read in the Times story is to come have a look around.”

click to view letter

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