August 24, 2015

Picente Editorial On NanoTech Announcements

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We have all been told at one time or another that waiting is the hardest part of any good thing. Such was the case with the Marcy Nanocenter project.  While many have questioned a process over the years that has involved numerous officials from all levels of government as well as tens of millions of dollars of investment in infrastructure and permitting, the end result is a new and bright future for Oneida County and the region.

There were however, many that have always seen the glass half full. The first thank you goes to the people of Oneida County, people who have seen their share of struggles over the years but continued to work toward the future. That future will be even brighter than the glory days of the past. This county saw the boom of manufacturing and a military base that hummed along during a period of growth that mirrored a country on the upswing. Those days are not lost on us, our parents and grandparents built the homes and foundations of family and hard work that kept us going through tough times.

We are now embarking on a new and exciting time that again moves us in a direction upward.  This is an occasion for new people to come here as they did in the past. Even more importantly our children and grandchildren will be able to stay here because we have created an environment of optimism and opportunity like never before.  The two companies that will call Oneida County home reflect a taste of the past and the future with a new twist. GE, a force here for many years returns today with Nano at the forefront of QUAD C. And AMS a global leader in the manufacturing and design of sensors will be building the newest chip fabrication plant in the United States right here in Utica, New York. We welcome both companies to the neighborhood and pledge to work with them to see them thrive and grow for years to come.

While there is work still to be done, the events of this week require us to reflect on who and how we got here. This process started years ago and many hands have made this possible. Governor Cuomo has injected upstate New York with a fervor where business once again wants to grow. By focusing on the technology corridor he has opened the door for new businesses that would have passed New York by ten years ago. His leadership has brought both companies to the table and invested millions to make it work. Dr. Alain Kalyeros envisioned the tech corridor that can connect Albany to Utica much in the way the Erie Canal connected the growth of our past.

We have had the help of three Congressmen; Boehlert, Arcuri and Hanna to maneuver the myriad of red tape for the permitting required. Senator Schumer has worked tirelessly to clear hurdles. Senators Meier and Griffo brought capital and attention to the site. Assemblywoman Destito, who was among the first to see the potential of SUNY as an economic force did the same and her successor Assemblyman Brindisi continues to keep the momentum and funding going. All are to be commended for what we are celebrating this week.

Oneida County has invested as well. County government has injected tens of millions of dollars and continues to improve infrastructure such as roads, sewers and power to make the site work. The Board of Legislators approved expenditures that my administration put forth because they too believe in the future we are creating. So many community partners have come together to build upon the Vision 2020 initiative that is preparing our region for the next five years of growth in our county and beyond. And last but certainly not least Steve DiMeo and Mohawk Valley EDGE for never giving up even when circumstances seemed unattainable, their work and perseverance is a story in itself.

There is much work to do, so let’s continue to work together and make our community the one that is talked about in other cities and states. Let us be the one to tell our story on how we got here and how we continue to move forward.

When I first took office I spoke of a community whose best days were ahead of us, of a community that would use innovation and optimism to move forward. We are doing just that. I am proud to lead this county as we embark upon this new economy, proud of those I serve with and most important proud of the people I serve.

Oneida County Partners