March 13, 2013

Oneida County Makes Official Appeal to Save Griffiss Air Control Tower

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Picente working with state and federal legislators to pursue every option

Today, Anthony Picente delivered to the FAA an official letter of appeal laying out the specific reasons the Air Control Tower at Griffiss should remain open.  The FAA is considering one rationale for keeping certain towers open; National Interest. 

In the letter, the County Executive lays out the exact ways the closing of this tower would affect national interest including a loss of significant investment dollars from the FAA and Oneida County. Griffiss is essential to military training operations and disaster relief efforts. Picente also lays out the significant dollars spent by the FAA and Oneida County that would essentially be lost if this tower is closed.  Between both entities $72 Million has been spent in the Griffiss airport facility.

Picente said “Cutting funding for this tower is a mistake. Without this tower the Military loses a valuable training site that cannot be replaced as well as an invaluable staging area for disaster relief.  In addition the FAA and, by default, Oneida County will have lost $72 Million we can never get back.”

Picente also sent letters to Senator Schumer and Senator Gillibrand as well as Congressman Hanna requesting their assistance. State Legislators have also been contacted to assist in any way they can.

The County Executive went on to say “We are working with our state legislators and our federal representatives and have asked them to use their full force and weight to keep this tower open. Everyone is on the same page, this tower needs to stay open. “

Picente highlighted in the letter the strong financial and working partnership between the FAA and Oneida County. Picente is looking forward to the FAA considering continuing funding for the Griffiss tower and with it continuing the strong partnership between the FAA and Oneida County.


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