Oneida County Health Department

Press Releases

September 2, 2022
COVID-19 Guidelines Updated as Students Head Back to School, CDC & NYS DOH Ease Some Restrictions

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the New York State Department of Health have updated recommendations for individuals exposed to COVID-19 who are unvaccinated and to procedures that should be followed in the upcoming school year.

August 25, 2022
County Health Department Now Offering Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Pfizer-BioNTech & Moderna Still Available

Novavax is a two-dose primary vaccine. It is not yet available as a booster dose. Doses are administered three to eight weeks apart and are available to ages 18 and older. This vaccine is not MRNA technology, but instead a protein subunit vaccine. Protein subunit vaccine technology is not new and has been studied for decades.

August 24, 2022
County Health Department Reminds Residents of Concerns with Bats in Your Home

Although most bats do not have rabies, bats are one of the most reported rabid animals and are the leading cause of rabies deaths in humans in the United States according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The Oneida County Health Department advises residents of the concern of rabies if bats get into your home. There are steps people should take to safeguard their homes to keep bats out and steps to take when they find a bat in their home.

August 10, 2022
It's National Immunization Awareness Month: Health Department Stresses Importance of Recommended Vaccines Throughout Life

Whether you are having a baby, traveling to a new country, or preparing your children to go back to school, vaccines are recommended and often times required to help protect you and your family.

July 18, 2022
Oneida County Health Department Reminds Parents to Stay Up to Date with Immunizations

Summer has begun and is a great time to get those “To Do” lists done. Making sure your children are up to date with immunizations should be high on the list. All children, grades pre-K through 12th must receive all required doses of required vaccines in order to attend school in New York State.

July 15, 2022
Multiple Occurrences of Rabies in Various Locations in Oneida County

Animals in multiple areas of Oneida County have testd postive for rabies, and the Health Department is urging residents to protect themselves and their pets.

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