January 5, 2015

Picente Announces RFP Process For Partners In Prosperity Funding

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County Executive Picente has made available an RFP for Funding Arts and Culture and STEM Education Via Oneida Settlement Money

On Monday County Executive Anthony J. Picente, Jr. announced Oneida County’s Requests for Proposals for funding that has been allocated in the 2015 budget for Arts and Culture and STEM Education through the Partners in Prosperity Funding.

In Anthony Picente Jr. 2014 Budget Address the County Executive announced a creation of the Partners in Prosperity Funding through revenue generated through the 2013 Settlement Agreement with the Oneida Indian Nation, Madison County and the State of New York. The funding is being separated into the following categories, NU Downtown Housing Initiative/Economic Development, Infrastructure, public safety and through these grant programs, Arts and Culture and STEM Education.

County Executive Picente said “When we settled our long standing disputes it was always with the idea that we would use the revenue to move this county forward. We said we would take this new stream of revenue and use it to develop our economy, improve our infrastructure, make our community safer while expanding opportunities for the arts and put the future of education front and center as a top priority. That is what we have done.”

According to the RFPs the arts and culture grant is to provide funding for projects in Oneida County that expands the region’s access to arts & culture.  The Arts & Culture Fund Grant Program is designed for activities or plans that are ready to implement but are lacking the final piece of the puzzle to take these projects from the planning stage to implementation.  This funding is not for planning projects or projects previously completed.  General operating or administrative activities are not eligible costs. 

Further the STEM Education grants to provide funding for projects to leverage state and federal funds for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM).  The STEM Education Fund Grant Program is designed for activities or plans that are ready to implement but are lacking the final piece of the puzzle to take these projects from the planning stage to implementation. 

Picente went on to say “Today is an announcement that puts part of this agenda into focus. We are asking the community organizations and our school districts to fund programs and curriculum that will continue to shape this County through the next decade. Expanding our rich culture and arts community so they can continue to showcase to the region what Oneida County has to offer. Meanwhile we are making dollars available to financially strapped School Districts to make our county’s STEM education the best in the state as we prepare for our new high tech economy.”

The Requests for Proposal can be found at ocgov.net and are attached to this release.

Request for Proposals Oneida County Partners in Prosperity Funding STEM Education Fund - 2015
Request for Proposals Oneida County Partners in Prosperity Funding Arts & Culture Fund - 2015


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