August 4, 2014

Personal Planner Helps Residents Prepare for Disasters

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Oneida County has launched a new downloadable online tool that will help residents create their own personal preparedness plan County Executive Anthony J. Picente, Jr. announced today.  The Ready Oneida County Family Preparedness Planner is a short, interactive document that residents can download and complete by filling out important information including meeting places, key contacts and a kit checklist to track preparedness items as you build your emergency kit.

“County government continues to work with our community partners to enhance our community’s disaster response and recovery capabilities.”  Picente said.  He continued, “However, recent events have brought home the importance of being proactive personally in preparing ourselves and our families for any type of disaster - we hope this simple, user-friendly tool will encourage and support our residents in their personal preparedness efforts.”

The planner was developed in collaboration with the Salvation Army and was modeled after a similar online tool used by the City of Boston.  It’s available at and can be downloaded to your computer or flash drive and then printed or emailed to family members or other emergency contacts.  The county website also includes other helpful resources available to assist families such as the comprehensive Oneida County Disaster Preparedness Guide which provides information on local risks and resources and tips for preparing for all hazards.

“Although we cannot anticipate or prevent every emergency event, personal preparedness can minimize its impact on our health, well-being and ability to recover,” Phyllis Ellis, Oneida County Director of Health said. She added, “The Oneida County Health Department is pleased to make this tool available to our residents and encourage all to download and share with family members and friends”

Oneida County Family Preparedness Planner
Disaster Preparedness Guide


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