April 14, 2011

OCHD/Office of Women’s Health Contract Invites Participation of Community Based Organizations

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“Program Targets Minority and Underserved Women and Girls”
Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente, Jr. today announced a contract with the Department of Health and Human Services Regional Office on Women’s Health, which awards 2500 dollars to the Oneida County Health Department for a program designed to reduce health disparities among minority and underserved women and girls.
The program, which begins June 1st, invites the participation of twelve community-based organizations located anywhere in Oneida County who will foster “teams” consisting of between 10 and 15 members to compete in a nutrition and exercise program. Participants will be issued pedometers to record their walking ‘steps’ over a period of 12 weeks. The two teams that log the most ‘steps’ during that time will be awarded five hundred dollars in educational materials of their choosing for their respective organizations.    
“The benefits of proper nutrition and regular physical exercise are far reaching in terms of overall health outcomes in our community and must be encouraged in all quarters, not just public health,” Picente said. He added, “Many residents who might not otherwise hear this message can be reached through the involvement of community partners in innovative programs like this one which combines physical activity with an educational component.”
Dr. Gayle Jones, Director of Health, who applied for the contract through the Department of Health and Human Services’ Regional Office on Women’s Health says the funds will be used to purchase the pedometers for the competing team members and provide educational programs for the participating organizations.
“Whereas we encourage all community-based organizations throughout Oneida County to take part in the program, participation will be limited to the first twelve who apply with the Oneida County Health Department,” Jones said. “Those interested should organize a team of no fewer than ten but no more than 15 people and contact my office by e mail at ryacco@ocgov.net  798-5220 as soon as possible.”


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