October 20, 2011

Health Department Urges Residents to Get Vaccinated

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“One Shot Offers Protection From H1N1 and Seasonal Flu”

Oneida County Health Department officials are reminding County residents now is the time for all persons six months and older to get vaccinated against influenza. 

“Flu season has begun and you should be mindful that it takes about two weeks after getting the vaccine before immunity develops,” Patrice Bogan, Director of Clinic Services said. She added, “Whether you choose to see your primary health provider or visit one of the many retail outlets offering the vaccine, it’s important to make the right choice and get vaccinated.”

The Oneida County Health Department has scheduled flu immunization clinics at various sites throughout the County through mid-November (full schedule attached).  The cost for adults 19-years and older not covered by Medicaid or Medicare Part B is 25-dollars.  Some private insurances will be accepted for payment.  Children up to 18-years can get the vaccine during any of the Health Department Clinic’s regular immunization clinics.  The charge for the children’s vaccine is set on a sliding fee schedule based on one’s ability to pay.  A schedule of immunization clinics can be found on the health department’s web site at www.ocgov/Oneida/health

Oneida County Executive Anthony J. Picente is hoping everyone will take the necessary precautions to help prevent the spread of influenza in the County.

“The fact that we experienced a relatively mild flu season last year shouldn’t give people a false sense of security,” Picente cautioned.  “Even if you got a flu shot last year, your immunity diminishes with time so it’s necessary to the vaccine again this year.”

This year’s vaccine combines protection against the H1N1 virus and several strains expected to be most common during this flu season which runs through March.

For more information on preventing influenza visit our web site or call the Oneida County Health Department at 798-5747.

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