December 5, 2011

Aging Network Calling for Volunteers

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The Oneida County Office for the Aging/Continuing Care in collaboration with the North Utica Senior Citizen Community Center and the Parkway Senior Center is calling for volunteers to prepare to assist older community residents with snow shoveling.

Office for the Aging/Continuing care works closely with both the Parkway Senior Center’s Volunteer Resource Center and the North Utica Community Center’s Community Assistance Program. Volunteer programs can meet a wide range of services from in-home care to lawn maintenance.  The Community Assistance Program for Seniors is an additional resource for seniors or their caregivers to access extended care services.  Both programs  promotes volunteerism, allowing retirees or neighbors to get involved within their communities….a rewarding opportunity for everyone involved.

The Community Assistance Program for Seniors will maintain a listing of available Oneida County residents that are willing and able to perform services for seniors. A list of potential independent providers will be maintained in a resource directory and provided to the client as their needs are established.  The program will gather information on those who are either volunteer or provide a fee for service.  All potential providers will be interviewed, screened, and provided a background check.

Both potential clients and volunteers can contact the Oneida County Office for the Aging/Continuing Care at 798-5456 for further information.

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