Oneida County Health Department

Press Releases

September 8, 2014
Oneida County’s First Case of EEE Claims Horse in Town of Trenton

The first case of Eastern Equine Encephalitis (EEE) in Oneida County this year has been confirmed, Oneida County Health Department officials said today.
A horse in the Town of Trenton, which was suffering from neurological symptoms associated with EEE, was euthanized on September 8th and subsequent testing confirmed the virus.

August 12, 2014
Oneida County Health Department to open Baby Weigh Station

OCHD seeks to improve the health of babies by supporting breastfeeding
In order to offer more support to breastfeeding mothers in Oneida County the Oneida County Health Department announces the grand opening of a new Baby Weigh Station on August 26th at 2:00 pm.

August 4, 2014
Personal Planner Helps Residents Prepare for Disasters

Oneida County has launched a new downloadable online tool that will help residents create their own personal preparedness plan County Executive Anthony J. Picente, Jr. announced today. The Ready Oneida County Family Preparedness Planner is a short, interactive document that residents can download and complete by filling out important information including meeting places, key contacts and a kit checklist to track preparedness items as you build your emergency kit.

July 31, 2014
Village of Remsen Wins Drinking Water Taste Test at Boonville-Oneida County Fair

The Oneida County Health Department announced today that the Village of Remsen won the 2014 Best Tasting Drinking Water Taste Test Contest. The contest was held at the Boonville-Oneida County Fair on Tuesday July 23, 2014. The contest promotes awareness of the value of public drinking water to the public. The contest has been held throughout New York State for the past 20 years. Its goal is to enable the general public to become aware of the value and the quality of public tap water through a non-scientific and publicly involved competition.

February 7, 2014
Oneida County Health Cautions About Measles Exposure

State DOH: “Possible Exposure at Albany Medical Center"
The Oneida County Health Department is alerting area health care providers about possible exposure to measles that may have occurred at Albany Medical Center in the past week, Director of Health Phyllis D. Ellis announced today.

February 4, 2014
Health Department Lowers the Cost of Flu Shot

OCHD Official: Flu Season Peaks in February-Still Time to Get Vaccine
The Director of Clinic Services for the Oneida County Health Department announced today that the flu vaccine will be administered at their clinics at a cost of only 10-dollars for the remainder of the flu season or until present supplies are exhausted. The health department had charged those without acceptable insurance or Medicare Part B 25-dollars for the vaccine since the beginning of the flu season in October.

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