Oneida County Health Department

Press Releases

July 29, 2019
Village of Camden Wins Tap Water Taste Contest at Boonville-Oneida County Fair

The Oneida County Health Department announced today the Village of Camden won the 2019 Tap Water Taste Contest, which was held at the Boonville-Oneida County Fair on Tuesday, July 23, 2019. The contest promotes awareness of the value and quality of public drinking water, and has been held throughout New York State for many years.

July 29, 2019
Oneida County Releases Lead Poisoning Documentary Set Up as Resource Center
Oneida County has released a documentary highlighting the far-reaching and permanent effects of lead poisoning, calling the disease “the perfect predator” because it is silent, pervasive and right here in our local community.
The documentary can be viewed at the county’s new online resource center, which provides a wide range of information on lead poisoning prevention for residents, homeowners and contractors.

July 18, 2019
Oneida County Offers Extreme Heat Safety Tips

The Oneida County Health Department is reminding residents to take precautions during extreme hot weather.
Extreme heat can trigger heat-related illness or heat stroke, where the body is unable to control its temperature. Body temperature increases fast, the sweating mechanism fails and the body cannot cool down. The average person can overheat and get dehydrated easily in hot and humid weather.

July 16, 2019
Oneida County Health Department Hosts Health Fair Day at Oneida County-Boonville Fair

Participants Can Taste and Vote on Area’s Best Tap Water
The Oneida County Health Department and a variety of health-related agencies and organizations will be on hand to provide information and answer questions for Health Fair Day on Tuesday, July 23rd, opening day of the Oneida County-Boonville Fair.

July 2, 2019
Oneida County Health Department Offers Tips for Water Safety

As many of us head to the beach, swimming pools and out on boats to celebrate the Fourth of July holiday, the Oneida County Health Department is reminding residents to be safe and proactive when it comes to water recreation.
“We wait all year for the nice weather so that we can get in or around the water,” said Oneida County Director of Health Phyllis D. Ellis, BSN, MS, F.A.C.H.E. “The last thing we ever want is a day of summer fun to turn to tragedy.”

June 24, 2019
Oneida County Asks Residents About Health Care

Last Week to Complete Survey
The Oneida County Health Department wants your opinion about access to health care and other related issues by completing a brief, five-minute survey online this week at #OCHealthSurvey or The results of the survey will help the county and area health care partners determine health care priorities in the next few years.

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