February 24, 2011

Picente: Oneida County to Provide Outreach Program to Seniors

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Oneida County Executive Anthony J. Picente, Jr. announced today theintroduction of the Oneida CountyOffice for the Aging Senior Health and Wellness Digital Delivery System.
The Senior Health and Wellness Digital Delivery System utilizes a closed circuit network though Vizion, LLC. The network will provide senior outreach, information, and health related education to senior center participants. The project is intended to eventually link participating senior centers for the purpose of simultaneously reaching the older segment of Oneida County’s population.
Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente, Jr. said, “The Senior Health and Wellness Digital Delivery System will provide a plethora of useful health-related education to our elderly population, information that they may have had difficulty ascertaining otherwise. With this network, our County is making use of the latest technology to provide an important service to our seniors.” 
Michael J. Romano, Director of the Office for the Aging said, “The Parkway Senior Center is the pilot siteto set the motion for plans to expand to several other senior centers and rural locations in the county. Long range plans are to create an infrastructure to promote greater access to health care where barriers exist through lack of transportation preventing older persons from accessing needed health care.”
 Kelly Walters, Executive Director of the Parkway Senior Center explained, “Examples of programming may include but not be limited to chronic disease self-management education; nutrition education; program outreach and information; benefits and entitlement counseling (HEAP; Food Stamps, Medicaid, Medicare, health care planning); senior center programming; and community news and information”.
Oneida County Office for the Aging/Continuing Care is the lead agency in the development of this concept. The Aging and Special Populations subcommittee of the OFA/OCC Advisory Council, under the guidance of Kathleen Bishop, Ph.D. has steered this project for nearly two years.


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