April 6, 2011

Picente: April Means It’s Time to Start Walking

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Oneida County Executive Anthony J. Picente, Jr. today announced that he has proclaimed today “Start Walking Day” in Oneida County as part of the American Heart Association’s drive to increase the numbers of people who incorporate exercise into their daily routines.

“Studies indicate that one of the best investments a community can make is in the health of its residents.” Picente said. “By promoting a culture of physical activity, Oneida County can decrease healthcare costs, increase productivity, and improve the quality of life and longevity.

Picente said that on National Start Walking Day, April 6th, the American Heart Association calls on everyone to make a change in their routine by donning sneakers and starting a regular walking routine as part of a program of regular physical exercise that will help improve health, reduce stress and add vitality to the community. “Getting out is not only healthy, it’s a way we bond with neighbors, enjoy our community and enjoy the sights and sounds of spring after a long winter.”
“Oneida County, home of the world-famous Boilermaker Road Race and America’s Greatest Heart Run and Walk, supports the efforts of the American Heart Association to increase the amount of exercise performed on a regular basis and encourages all people to develop a fitness routine that is right for their age and physical condition,” Picente said. “Walking will do more than reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease; it brings neighbors together; it brings us closer to the wonderful changing of the seasons that is part of our region; it adds a time of togetherness and conversation that improves the quality of our lives.”


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