June 14, 2013

Picente and County Attorney’s Office Will Solicit Locally For Outside Counsel

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County urges local governments to follow like steps.

Oneida County government has long held a standard for obtaining outside counsel. By law, the County Attorney’s office must solicit at least three separate proposals and follow the County’s procurement policy to hire outside counsel on a contract basis. In most cases at least one of the three proposals come from a local attorney or firm. County Executive Picente and County Attorney Amoroso have announced today that all requests for proposals in the future will include local attorneys or law firms from Oneida County.

County Attorney Greg Amoroso said “This has long been an unofficial practice and we are pleased to announce that it is now the rule going forward. We always want to give local firms or lawyers an opportunity to do the work.”

The County Executive and County Attorney urge their counterparts in local municipalities, towns, villages and school boards to follow the same policy and solicit local attorneys during the proposal process.

County Executive Picente said “We are hoping to lead by example here in Oneida County. We have some of the best legal minds in the state right here at home and we want to continue to give them the opportunity to provide outside counsel.”


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