May 10, 2012

Bridge Named in Honor of John “Jack” Williams

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Oneida County Executive Anthony Picente Jr. today announced that a resolution was passed by the Board of Legislators naming the Pinnacle Road Bridge in the Town of Paris in honor of former Oneida County legislator and former Commissioner of the Department of Public Works, John “Jack” Williams. The resolution was sponsored by Chairman of the Board Gerald Fiorini, along with Legislators Brian Miller, Richard Flisnik, and Les Porter.

John Williams served Oneida County through his service as a member of the Oneida County Board of Legislators from 1978 through 1996, including service as Board Chair from 1992 through 1996. He then served as Commissioner of the Department of Public Works from 1996 until 2009. In both of these roles, Jack brought energy, leadership, integrity and vision to government. He used these positions to help the residents of this community, something he valued deeply.

Picente said, “Jack truly cared for our community and always had its residents in mind with whatever decision he made,” Picente said. “We are proud to be able to honor someone who gave so much of his time and energy to public service.”

Oneida County Board of Legislators Chairman Gerald Fiorini said, “Jack Williams was a mentor to me, and an inspiration to all of us because he believed in the power of County Government to solve the problems of the people we all serve. For Jack, there was never a detail too small to get right or an issue too big to tackle. Naming this bridge for Jack is a well-deserved honor.”

Legislator Brian Miller said, “It is a privilege to honor a man who devoted so much of his life to the service of the community I now represent, and who was a leader in the vital area of government consolidation. I’m pleased we can honor Jack in this way because it was his commitment to our highways and infrastructure that helped make such a great impact on the lives of people here in this district, and across the county.”

Members of Jack’s family were on hand for the passing of the resolution.

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