Environmental Health Vector Borne Disease

Vector Borne Disease Surveillance

Vector Borne Disease Surveillance

Mosquito surveillance is conducted each year from June through September. Mosquitoes are collected from established sites and are sent to Wadsworth Laboratory in Albany for arbovirus testing. Eastern Equine Encephalitis and West Nile Virus pose the greatest threat to humans and mammals in the Central New York region.


Mosquito Pouches Available


Oneida County Health Department has mosquito pouches available for Oneida County residents. These pouches help reduce mosquitoes near your home by treating standing water. 


Pick up:

Oneida County Health Department, Environmental Health Office

Adirondack Bank Building
185 Genesee Street, 4th Floor, Utica

8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. 


Call 315-798-5064 or email environmentalhealth@ocgov.net


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