Oneida County District Attorney

Oneida County District Attorney

Representing and advocating on behalf of Oneida County.
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The District Attorney works for Oneida County and serves as the prosecutor in criminal cases. In general, our cities, towns, and county maintain justice departments responsible for prosecuting crimes against local and state ordinances. The District Attorney oversees these departments' operations and represents the government's evidence to a jury or judge for a verdict.

The Oneida County District Attorney's Office has 19 Assistant District Attorneys who cover the 45 diverse village, town, city, and county courts in Oneida County.

  • We produce relevant literature and guides to educate our communities on types of crimes and what to look out for.
  • With appropriate grant funds, our office translates our informational victim letters into other languages, such as Spanish, Russian, Arabic, Burmese, and Karen, to reduce language barriers experienced by the non-English speaking population of Oneida County.
  • New York State Courts throughout Oneida County are open. Please contact the Court of jurisdiction to inquire as to the Court’s meeting dates and procedures.

Oneida County District Attorney

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