Oneida County District Attorney

Seat Belt Safety Course

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According to the NHSTA’s 2017 National statistics, approximately how many lives were saved by wearing a seatbelt?
In 2019, the National seatbelt use rate was approximately what percentage?
True or False: The Airbags in your vehicle were installed to take the place of wearing a seatbelt?
True or False: Even if your seatbelt is only partially on, or improperly worn (such as putting the strap below your arm) it will keep you safe in the event of a crash?
Which of the following is the proper way to wear a seatbelt?
True or False: The lap belt portion of the seatbelt, rests across your hips, not your stomach?
Seat belts are the best defense against:
True or False: Your seatbelt can injure you in a crash?
According to NHTSA 2017 National statistics, this many unbuckled people were killed in accidents?
According to National Statistics, most vehicle crashes happen within how many miles of your home?
True or False: Back seat passengers do not need to wear a seatbelt?
If you wear a seatbelt correctly while in the front seat of a car, your chances of fatal injury are reduced by?
Is it best to use your seatbelt on long or short trips?
True or False: Pregnant women do not need to wear seatbelts?
True or False: If your seatbelt doesn’t fit you, you don’t need to wear it?
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