Oneida County 911 And Emergency Services

Oneida County 911 & Emergency Services

The Department of Emergency Services provides for the health, safety, and welfare of the people of Oneida County.

911 Feedback Form


This department is led by the Director of Emergency Services and comprises three separate offices:

  • The Office of the County Fire Coordinator
  • The Office of Emergency Management
  • The Office of Emergency Communications 911 Center

Use our site as a resource for the Oneida County 911 live feed, emergency planning, and guidance on disaster prevention and mitigation.

Edward Stevens
Edward Stevens

Director - Oneida County Emergency Services



How do I obtain a county 911 number for my new residence or property?


I am hearing impaired. Is there any other way to reach 911 besides calling?


How can I call for help if I don’t speak English or am deaf or hearing impaired?


911 and the Older Generation I don’t want to bother 911! I’ll be ok!


What can I do with my old cell phone when I get a new one?


To Call or Not to Call ... 911 Should I or shouldn’t I call 911 when I have a problem?


911 & Child Safety What does my child need to know about 911?

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